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The What and Why.


A more detailed explanation of this blog's purpose and start

The Artful Filmmaker is an online guide for entrepreneurs in filmmaking. It's a curated content feed and evolving index of resources and inspiration for all things film. The goal is to help filmmakers find and share quality information that allow us to learn, grow, and inspire our craft. 


The internet is a big place, with varying qualities of information. It can be difficult to find the best things to help you with your questions on filmmaking. There are a lot of hidden gems among the generic, but the problem is finding them. Many times you stumble upon something and it was a random act that got you there-- a related video link, a Google search keyword order you now can't remember, or a reference from a friend. But, how do you find it again?


We're here to help. This website is where good filmmaking finds are organized and accessible, conveniently all in one place on the internet. It's also the place, where we promote the amazing things you find, building a community of fellow creatives interested in everything film. 


The Artful Filmmaker provides info on all aspects of filmmaking: from pre-production to post-production. Here you can find tips on screenwriting, directing, the freelance business, film techniques, filmmaking resources, relevant advice and interviews, and more! This guide is for any person involved in film, beginner or otherwise, to learn and find insights about the filmmaking process and hopefully, some new inspiration.

We started this website because, one, we wanted to organize the high-quality filmmaking resources and inspiration one finds online (without a mess of desk sticky notes or browser bookmarks) and remember why they mattered to us. And, two, we wanted to be able to share these good sources with others, supporting the creators who made them. At the same time, we wanted to have the chance to learn about the amazing things, fellow filmmakers have sourced, but us and maybe others, were missing out on still. Thus, the Artful Filmmaker guide blog was born.


This website is still in its infancy, so bear that in mind. But, this is the start. Thanks for being here and for reading this. We hope you find something useful, inspiring, or both. Take a look around and see what you find. Do you have something worthwhile to add to this guide? Check out the submit page.

Happy filmmaking.

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