1000+ Good Short Film Script or Screenplay Ideas
Fighting the blank page malady, one tweet of inspiration, at a time.

Daily Writing Prompts for Filmmaking & More
Date: 2009 - Present
Type: Web page Topic: Writing Length: 1 minute - hours, depending Source: Twitter | https://twitter.com/DailyPrompt
Sometimes you want to write up a short film script idea, but you don't have ideas in your head, or rather don't have one that you really want to write about. But, what if there was a place with writing ideas for film, that you could pick and choose from?
There is one, one that's basically a screenplay idea generator, in my opinion.
This twitter page has THOUSANDS (literally, 4500 ideas and counting) of writing suggestions to prompt your writing bug for a great short film idea or the start of a new screenplay. They're concise, fitting in 140 characters or less, and easy to scroll through for minutes or hours, depending on your fancy. Open-ended quotations, specific ideas, and general premises, added to everyday since 2009.
Here's some of my favorite picks from 2018's suggestions:
2018 Oct 31 Write a story about the last coin you found on the ground and how it got there.
2018 Oct 19 "The painting in your bedroom has been there for years, but today it is upside down within the frame."
2018 Aug 26 "I'm Messy. Yes, that's my real name, but I'm a very tidy person, actually."
2018 Aug 11 An SOS note on a Dunkin' Donuts napkin makes a detective visit several doughnut stores to solve a possible crime.
2018 Jul 3 You find Detective Columbo's spiral-bound notebook. What's in it is so shocking that...
2018 Jun 22 The mirror never lies. Or does it?
2018 May 15 In searching for a new town in which to raise their baby, the couple asked all the right questions... Unfortunately, they forgot one.
2018 Jan 22 A woman you have never met before tells you: "Your life depends on what's inside my purse."
Movie script ideas have to start somewhere, and this is somewhere to start. (Especially, if you're stuck.) So, pick one, from this list, or check out more via the pages' link, above, and give it a go!
Happy Writing.